Cat Hazard Alert #4 – PARASITICIDES
Parasiticides can be incredibly useful in helping get rid of fleas, mites, ticks and worms, all of which are unpleasant and potentially harmful to our pets. However, there are two commonly seen toxic mistakes made by cat owners.
Mistake #1 – incorrect method of administration
Ensure to read the all product instructions carefully. Many flea spot-on treatments are intended to be used for topical external use only. Do not give a topical spot-on orally or in the food.
Mistake #2 – accidental application of a product for dogs
Many products that are available for use in dog are very harmful to cats especially those with permethrins. Remember cats are not small dogs! Additionally, if a cat comes into close contact with a dog that has recently had a spot-on product applied, the cat can potentially suffer toxic side effects. Always keep your dog separated from your cat for at least a few hours after applying anti-parasite spot-ons and do not let your cat lick or groom your dog.
Always check the labelling on your parasiticide product and make sure you are giving it in the correct way, to the correct size and species of animal. If your cat ingests or comes into contact with a parasiticide inappropriately contact your vet immediately for further advice.
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