Cat Fight Abscesses!
Do you have a cat that likes to leave home? Some cats like to get out of their comfort zones to explore the great outdoors. The outside world is great for a cat’s mental stimulation- they get to use their hunting skills to hunt and catch prey, they get to climb trees and so much more. However, there are still many things we as pet owners need to look out for. One of the most common issues people bring their cats to the vet for are cat fight abscesses.
Cats are territorial animals and if an intruder trespasses, a fight may ensue. Cats harbour a lot of bacteria in their mouths so a bite is sure to cause a lot of damage under the surface. An abscess is a large pocket of pus that can be quite painful. Most cats that develop these nasty swellings also develop other symptoms such as lethargy, decrease or loss of appetite and fever. A common behaviour owners will notice in their pet is hiding and an hissing when touched.
An abscess typically forms when a cat gets bitten by another cat, usually during a fight. When this happens, the skin heals over the bite wound within one to two days, leaving the bacteria deposited by the bite underneath to fester. The bacteria left in the tissues elicit a response from the body and pus starts to build up over a few days. Because the skin has healed over, the pus has nowhere to escape and instead develops into a large, hot swelling known as an abscess. Sometimes if bites are found early, an abscess may not have had time to form yet and you might find cellulitis- a firm, hot, red swelling. If cellulitis is found, antibiotics and pain relief are sometimes enough to treat it. If left untreated, cellulitis can develop into an abscess.
Once an abscess forms, surgery is generally required to lance and drain the built up fluid. After the material has been drained, the now empty pocket is flushed out with copious amounts of sterile saline and all dead or dying tissue is removed by a curette. This reduces the chance of re-infection from any remaining tissue. A drain may be placed in a new incision to facilitate drainage of any excess material that might build up over the next 2 to 3 days. The drain is then removed and the small incision remaining is left to heal on its own over a few days. In the days following surgery, your cat should receive pain relief and antibiotics to clear up any remaining infection. Cats are masters at hiding disease so some abscesses may not be obvious until they burst which can be extremely painful. If you find that your cat has a burst abscess, contact us for one of our friendly veterinarians to fully assess your fur baby and formulate a treatment plan.
Abscesses and infections are not the only things that can be transmitted in a cat bite. FIV and FeLV are viruses that can be transmitted through blood and saliva. Once a cat is infected with either of these viruses, it is incurable. Therefore, it is important to vaccinate your cat if it goes outdoors or gets into fights often. If your cat is unvaccinated, it should be tested for these viruses prior to vaccination.
Of course, as pet owners we always want our fur babies to be safe and happy. Some cats are happy living indoors only, while others crave the great outdoors. Although having the freedom to roam can be great for a cat’s mental stimulation, there are many dangers- cars on a busy road, diseases and predators (such as dogs, other cats, even snakes!) to name a few. It is always safest to keep your cat indoors but there are still many ways you can keep your adventurous kitty happy and entertained! Cat runs or outdoor enclosures with elements that allow climbing and scratching helps cats to observe wildlife, enjoy some fresh air and most importantly use their innate skills. Cat runs or outdoor enclosures are becoming more and more popular. It’s such a great way to give your cat some outdoor time, all the while keeping them safe. Take a look at the photos below of a couple of our feline friends enjoying their very own “Catio”!
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