Cannabidiol and Cats!
What is CBD? Why would we give it to a cat?
Just like humans, cats also suffer from debilitating medical conditions like epilepsy, chronic pain and anxiety that may benefit from treatment with Cannabidiol (CBD) oil. CBD oil is commonly prescribed for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which improves the body’s response to both physical and psychological stressors.
CBD is a natural extract taken from a plant within the Cannabis family. Though most people tend to think of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and its psychoactive effects when they hear the word cannabis, this wonder plant actually contains more than 100 chemical compounds! The CBD component of the cannabis plant is extracted separately from the THC component and suspended within an oil for the use in both the human and animal health industry.
Whilst CBD is still a relatively new medication available to us in the veterinary industry, updated indications for use are ongoing. At this time, we know that CBD can benefit in the following ways:
- Chronic pain management especially for cats with arthritis and skeletal changes
- Chronic inflammatory disease management such as cats with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and FIC/FLUTD (feline urinary diseases)
- Reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures
- Reduce the symptoms of cognitive dysfunction
- Reduce nausea and improve appetite
- Decrease bronchial spasms which affects asthmatic cats and those suffering with other respiratory illnesses
- Ease the severity of mood related diseases such as anxiety
- Improve behavioural issues such as inappropriate urine spraying outside the litter tray
Similar to humans and dogs, cats also have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which means they are receptive to the benefits of CBD. When given CBD oil, the ECS activates receptors which regulate mood, sleep, cognitive function as well as muscle stimulation and repair. In dogs, we know that they have both CB1 and CB2 receptors, however, in cats, we only know that they have the CB1 receptor and further research is currently being done to assess their CB2 receptor function.
CB1 receptors tend to target the nervous and endocrine systems which regulate hormone releases and influence serotonin and dopamine pathways. CB1 receptors are also seen in the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
CB2 receptors are predominantly found in the immune system and help to regulate inflammatory influences, pain stimulus, and assist with muscle repair.
HEMP vs CBD – What’s the difference?
Occasionally people confuse these plants and compounds with one another, however, there are some big differences between the two. Whilst both are sourced from plants in the cannabis family, Hemp comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant aka Hemp Plant and CBD comes from Cannabis Indica aka Marijuana Plant.
As marijuana and its chemical compounds are currently illegal without a prescription, commercially found health tonics, tinctures and foods that contain CBD are sourced from the hemp plant. The efficacy and concentration of CBD from the hemp plant is quite different from prescription CBD and it is intended as a supplement rather than a medical treatment.
Whilst medicating cats can often be quite tricky, CBD oil is generally well tolerated and easily disguised in food.
CBD oil is best absorbed when given on a full stomach so ensure you cat has a decent size meal at the time of administration. The stomach begins to digest the food particles first, leaving the CBD oil to travel to the liver where it is much better absorbed.
Dosing is dependant on each cat’s condition, but as a general rule CBD is given two – three times a day. Studies have shown that the medication begins to work in around 15-45minutes and lasts in the cats’ body for around 4-6 hours dependant on breed, age, activity level and condition that is being treated.
CBD oil does not contain any artificial flavours, sugars, colourings or additives.
Like any other prescription medication, some side effects may be noticed when CBD treatment begins. The most common side effects include gastrointestinal upset and/or slight sedation which usually lessens over time or with a lower dose.
To date, there have only been 2 cat-based studies examining CBD safety. Both reported overall good tolerance, with rare adverse effects such drooling and licking lips during administration. One cat, with possible underlying liver disease demonstrated a raise in one of its liver parameters (ALP) on blood testing after commencing treatment.
Grace is a 16 year old, Domestic breed that suffers from severe arthritis. Grace’s quality of life was less than ideal and she was already on multiple medications for her arthritis (Meloxicam, Gabapentin, 4Cyte) Though these medications helped to control Graces’ daily pain, she was still walking very stiffly and limping if she had a ‘bad day’. Grace started on CBD oil at a low dose and her owner noticed a vast improvement to her walking, jumping and general movement within a matter of days. Grace’s owner also noticed a MASSIVE improvement in Graces’ overall mentation and happiness and reports that Grace is even doing zoomies around the house at midnight carrying her toys in her mouth like a kitten!

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